Our Team
Mike Wolhfert
Owner - Program Director
Guro / Ajarn / Sifu / Coach
Michael began his formal education in martial arts in 1997 at Princeton Academy of Martial Arts under world renowned Sifu/Guru/Arjan Rick Tucci. Michael was a staff member and lead instructor at Princeton Academy of Martial Arts (PAMA) for 20 years.
Michael has professionally trained thousands of individuals in martial arts, physical Fitness and self defense. He is well versed and continues to stay current and understands that martial arts and physical fitness are a journey with no destination. Michael is also the owner and Director of Training for Justifiable Force NJ's Premier training group focusing on all aspects of personal defense.
Full Instructor Jeet kune Do/ Jun Fan Gung fu under Sifu Rick Tucci
Full Instructor Filipino martial Kali/Silat arts under Guro Rick Tucci
Full Senior Instructor in Muay Thai/ Thai Boxing under Grandmaster Chai Sirisute founder of the WTBA
Silver Glove in Savate under Nicholas Saignac
CSW Combat Submission Wrestling Coach Level 1 Under Erik Paulson
STX Savate/Thai Boxing Coach Level 1 Under Erik Paulson
Affiliate instructor in Martial Blade concepts under Michael Janich
Gracie Survival Tactics Level 2 Instructor
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt Under Professor Derrick Ferrer of Torque Jiu- Jitsu
Law Enforcement Physical Conditioning Instructor
CPR/AED Instructor AHA
Instructor in Knife Fighting Concepts under Peter Weckauf
Certified MMA Conditioning Coach
Certified Kettlebell Coach under Jason Brown Kettlebell Athletics
Rad Mobility & Recovery Specialist
Certified Macebell Coach under Newbreed Fitness
Certified Mace Coach under Mr.Maceman Rik Brown
Certified Steel Mace Flow Coach under Leo Savage
TRX Qualified Suspension Training
TRX Qualified Functional Training
Certified in Jane - Jitsu under Steve Kardian
Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics and Handcuffing Instructor
Law Enforcement Physical Conditioning Instructor
Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor
Law Enforcement NJ Criminal Code and Arrest, Search and Seizure Instructor
Law Enforcement Use of Force Instructor
Active Shooter Response Instructor
Less than lethal Instructor in OC Aerosols, Impact Munitions, Chemical Munitions and Distraction Device Munitions
Expandable Baton Instructor
NRA basic pistol shooting instructor
NRA first steps pistol instructor
United States Concealed Carry Associate Instructor
Law of Self Defense Instructor Program Graduate
Certified Force Analyst under Force Science
Force on Force Instructor under Gabriel Suarez
Certified De-escalation Instructor
“Mike Wolhfert , is one of my most dedicated and skilled Martial Art students to date. He has invested thousands of hours in training and is one of only a few certified instructors in my program of Jeet Kune Do and Kali/Silat. Mike is an excellent Martial Arts teacher/coach. He is personable, patient, and very conscious of each individual student’s development under his tutelage. I believe that any person interested in learning or enhancing their Martial Arts skills would greatly benefit from training with Mike.”